Getting artfull with Kholisa Thomas

Tessa worked closely with Kholisa Thomas, Founder of artfull, to develop the incredible concept that she came up with to disrupt buying art by connecting art lovers with emerging artists.
The relationship began with Tessa facilitating a four-hour workshop to help Kholisa get clear on her personal brand and how that would influence the development fo the artfull business and brand.
For the next 18 months, they worked side by side to develop the brand and concept into a working business. This included the creation of the visual look and feel, videos, photography, website copy, automated email strategy, and content, trademark as well as the social media launch and strategy.
Building an online, disruptive business isn’t easy. Every little detail needs to be thought through and speak to the brand essence.
Of the project, Tessa says, “It was an immense pleasure to work with Kholisa on every element of this startup. Working collaboratively is what I love. I think the results speak for themselves”.
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